Welcome to nima!
Inspiring. Influencing. Connecting. Supporting. Transforming.
Nima promotes information management best practices, helping to support digital transformation across the built and managed environment. Formerly the UK BIM Alliance, it is a not-for-profit, volunteer-led virtual organisation.
Our ultimate vision is a thriving and sustainable built and natural environment transformed by exploiting purpose-driven data. As trusted advisors, we facilitate the implementation and integration of practical information management practices across our built and environmental infrastructure.
Our mission is to inspire, influence, connect and support everyone active in a transformed built and managed environment, and to enable everyone to better manage information vital to the needs of our times.
With trusted, quality data, great things happen.
nima news alerts

First nima quarterly forum: 27 February 2025
Nima is planning to hold a series of short quarterly online forums open to anyone interested in the organisation’s work in promoting information management best practice in the built and managed environment. The first forum…

UK BIM Framework showcases guidance AI search
The UK BIM Framework team is creating a series of short videos showing its artificial intelligence (AI) search function at work. The free online resource (at www.ukbimframework.org/) is developed and maintained by nima and BSI….

Published: new international standard for sharing health and safety information
The new international standard for sharing health and safety information throughout the lifecycles of built assets has been published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 19650-6:2025 will help professionals meet Building Safety Act requirements to…

GIIG’s CCS project shortlisted for award
A project undertaken by the GIIG (nima’s not-for-profit consultancy arm) for the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has been shortlisted for an award. The GIIG focuses on practical ways to enable efficient information flows in construction…

BIM from Construction through to Facility Management
The University of Worcester were looking to transform their former Worcester News building—a large two and three storey 1965 building – into a first-class centre for the education…
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Did you know the buildingSMART UK and Ireland chapter has been powered by nima (formerly the UK BIM Alliance) since 2017? bSUKI is the UK and Ireland Chapter of buildingSMART International.
The project activities of nima and bSUKI are now more visible, integrated and accessible to you. We are responsible for gathering industry requirements and representing the UK and Ireland’s needs at international level. When standards are being developed, we help to ensure these needs are catered for.