Senior Information Manager

Example job description: senior information manager

Nima has been provided with a copy of a job description for a senior information manager in a consultancy or a client or asset owner/operator organisation. It is shared here as a example for other organisations who might be considering similar appointments. Senior Information Manager Key Responsibilities:  Technical  Requirements  Desirable Skills 

Web of Sane - Building Safety Act mapping

Mapping the Building Safety Act

The UK Building Safety regime is complex and made up of multiple sources of primary legislation, secondary legislation, statutory instruments and connected guidance documents. ONE Creative Environments Ltd has created a comprehensive mapping resource using Miro. Titled “the web of sane”, this aims to help industry understand the legislation structure, and how this fits together…

UK BIM Framework (June 2024)
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Making the UK BIM Framework work for clients and asset owners

From a client or owner-operator perspective, how does the UK BIM Framework support their information management needs? A nima workshop report sheds some light. At Digital Construction Week in June 2024, a workshop facilitated by David Churcher and Sarah Davidson explored the priority tasks set out in the UK BIM Framework that involve project clients…

Plain Language Group report (cover)

Digitisation of Construction Product Manufacturers: A report of research into senior managers’ views

Digitisation of Construction Product Manufacturers: A report of research into senior managers’ views The Construction Leadership Council published research from the Plain Language Group which canvassed the views of 80 senior managers who supply products into the UK construction supply chain. Download the report. Richard Robinson, President, UK & Ireland at Atkins Réalis said, “80…

Fire Safety Information Management Working Group

Fire Safety Information Management Working Group

Initiating the next phases of development of the BS 8644 suite… You may be aware that BS 8644-1 was published by the British Standards Institution in July 2022. This standard is a multi-part series, developed in recognition of both the immediate requirements of the fire safety sector, and the need to develop and encourage a standard information management…

Manufacturers Product Data: A Plain Language Guide

Manufacturers Product Data: A Plain Language Guide

Manufacturers produce a significant part of the information required to bring about a safer construction industry; but this information is currently not structured or shared in a consistent way. If industry is to meet the challenges of a digital future, avoid a race to the bottom and respond to the requirements of a new building…

Winfield Rock Report
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Winfield Rock Report

The aim of this report is not to set out or repeat discussions on the appropriate BIM contractual framework or provide a detailed analysis of this standard form contracts, which have already been canvassed comprehensively elsewhere.  Rather, the aim of this report is to consider the present understand of BIM legal and contractual issues among…