Sellafield: Common Data Environment (CDE) – a Project13 example
Sellafield Ltd is the UK’s most complex nuclear site containing some of the most hazardous nuclear facilities in Europe.
The importance of effective Information Management (IM) has been consistently recognised to aid intelligent decision making, however our approach has been systems and function led, creating the collation of decades of information, which is no longer exploitable and, therefore, has lost its value.
A significant proportion of the site’s footprint remains legacy asset facilities (c80%) which were constructed from the 1950’s onwards. The remainder of the site hosts one of the most complex new asset construction sites in Europe, both legacy and new assets will be required for many decades.
Our opportunity is associated with realising value from our Information in line with modern standards i.e. ISO 19650 / Information Management Framework. Our methodology was to create a dual based approach to unlock this value:
- Adopting best of breed, modern methods of construction for our new assets.
- Taking a value-led approach to recovery for our legacy assets.
Previous experience of information handovers with asset delivery has been both a painful and costly one, with the bulk of project information being in the wrong format or incompatible with core business systems. The evolving adoption of Capital Facilities Information HandOver Specification seeks to address this and provide a framework for better Information Management in the future.
More information can be found here (free sign-up to Project13 required).