
New data laws to put National Underground Asset Register on a statutory footing

A new Bill to harness the enormous power of data to boost the UK economy by £10 billion has been introduced to Parliament (more information here). It will also put a major infrastructure asset register on a statutory footing.

The Data Use and Access Bill will unlock the secure and effective use of data for the public interest, simplifying important tasks such as renting a flat or starting work, with trusted ways to verify personal identity online, so that people and businesses can get on with their lives without unnecessary admin.

The Bill will will also help reduce the risk of accidents on underground water and energy pipes and broadband cables, which currently amount to 60,000 every year and cause prolonged disruption of roadworks and access to key amenities like energy and broadband to homes.

National Underground Asset Register (NUAR)

The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) will be put on a statutory footing, mandating that owners of underground infrastructure, such as water companies or telecoms operators, register their assets on the NUAR, which is a complete map of underground pipes and cables.

The use of the Register will mean that companies will know exactly where any underground asset is placed, reducing the risk of accidents on pipes and cables, making construction safer for workers and reducing the disruption – and hazards – caused by holes being dug up in the streets. This will generate approximately £400 million a year, boost construction and tackle accidental damage currently costing the economy £2.4 billion a year.

The NUAR project will be discussed at nima’s forthcoming Autumn virtual conference on 7 November 2024. Networking room 3 will be dedicated to “Introducing the NUAR Data Model”. To learn more about the conference, click on the link, or register here.

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