Web of Sane - Building Safety Act mapping

Mapping the Building Safety Act

The UK Building Safety regime is complex and made up of multiple sources of primary legislation, secondary legislation, statutory instruments and connected guidance documents.

ONE Creative Environments Ltd has created a comprehensive mapping resource using Miro. Titled “the web of sane”, this aims to help industry understand the legislation structure, and how this fits together to define the requirements to improve building safety.

Web of Sane - Building Safety Act mapping

The Building Safety Act and the Fire Safety (England) Regulations set out robust requirements on “what” needs to put in place, but in order to learn more about “how” to deliver these requirements, the associated guidance documents are necessary and useful resources to refer to.

Therefore, the Web of Sane mapping structure sets out this vast array of supporting documents and guidance and neatly groups this into topics, to allow industry to focus on specific areas and then see how these link back to the requirements in the legislation.  By working through the mapping structure in this way, you can more easily tackle specific subject areas related to your roles, responsibilities and interests, and understand where these sit within the overall requirements and how documents are interrelated.  For example, the UK BIM Framework and the Construction Playbook feature in the mapping structure, and by working back through the links, this you can understand where this sits in terms of guidance, recommendations, standards and legislation.

Each of the documents are hyperlinked, enabling the user to navigate directly to the official sources https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNs5rHUc=/

To learn more about ONE Creative Environments Ltd click here:  www.oneltd.com

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